

Journalism with Integrity
The pursuit of truth is a cornerstone of journalism. Since its establishment in 1951, United Daily News Group (UDN Group) has upheld this core value, boosting Taiwan’s democracy, economic development, and innovation in the process. In doing so, UDN Group has helped shape the seismic shifts Taiwan has undergone. “Journalism with Integrity” is our guiding principle. For this reason, UDN Group is among the most trusted Chinese-language news sources. This is reflected in the numerous awards and accolades it has garnered over the years. Wherever there is breaking news, UDN Group’s journalists are at the frontline, providing accurate coverage and in-depth analysis. 
A Diverse Portfolio
Over the years, UDN Group has expanded its vertically integrated business across several industries. In addition to United Daily News, UDN Group publishes Economic Daily News, which also serves as a major international trade show, exhibition, and conference organizer in Taiwan. To serve the global Chinese-speaking community, the World Journal was launched in 1976.  With its headquarters in New York and branches in San Francisco and Los Angeles, the World Journal is the largest Chinese-language newspaper in North America.  Southeast Asia edition is also published from its base in Bangkok. Other UDN divisions include Linking Publishing, which has issued works by Nobel laureate Gao Xingjian among others; UDN Education, host of an annual composition competition involving tens of thousands of students; and UDN Health, which offers multiple-platform marketing services to the healthcare sector. Established in 2016, udnFunLife integrates several pre-existing divisions in event management, ticketing, and IP licensing. Through operations in design, entertainment, travel, and tech, UDN’s presence pervades Taiwanese society. Further afield, our aim is to bring Taiwan to the world, and the world to Taiwan.
Technological Transition
Following the release of its landmark Digital Transformation Report in 2008, UDN Group focused on recruiting cutting-edge talent; reorganizing the company’s structure and work procedures; and remodeling the newsroom mindset. Since digitization, the number of monthly unique visitors to UDN Group’s news website has reached 16 million – representing two-thirds of Taiwan’s population. In 2020, digital subscription services were launched – a first in the newspaper industry. In an era where technology changes at warp speed, UDN Group has refined its digital content delivery to provide users with an optimized experience. Through our digital and data services, we have evolved from a newspaper publisher into a multifaceted enterprise. In the process we have cultivated a close-knit relationship with our user base to facilitate the sustainable development of the company.
Sustainability and Responsibility
Media can be more than an advocate; it can be an agent for change. With this in mind, UDN Group foregrounds corporate social responsibility and agitates for public interest issues. In 2021, we launched our Sustainability Office as part of a commitment to sustainable development, carbon reduction, and the use of renewable energy.  UDN Group has a commitment to reporting free from bias and to giving a voice to the disenfranchised. This is encapsulated in our motto: “Passion for challenging power, compassion for the powerless.” With this philosophy, we aim to make Taiwan a better place. 


United Daily News was founded
Over 16
monthly unique visitors to the United Daily News website(1 out of every 2 Taiwanese visits per month)
Over 8
Chinese characters written by United Daily News reporters
Over 380
 monthly visits to the udn.com
members of United Daily News Group(more than a quarter of Taiwan’s population of 23 million)
followers on United Daily News Group’s Facebook fan pages(Taiwan has a population of about 23 million)


Media Centric
Journalism is our core. We are wherever the news is. UDN can be seen on newspapers, PCs, cell phones, and tablets.
UDN’s journalists are always on the frontline, providing accurate news and in-depth analysis. In this digital era, we have improved the skills and techniques for news stories to provide users with the best experience and we will continue to deliver significant, valuable and useful news content.
Diversified Business
Based on the understanding of our readers and users, we have extended our services to various fields.
UDN is a content and technology group. Through our digital and data services, we have transformed from a newspaper into a diversified enterprise. By providing information and experiences, we have cultivated relationships with our readers and users to support the sustainable development of the group.
UDN’s Corporate Social Responsibility
Media can be more than an advocate; it can be an agent of change.
In December 2021, the United Daily News Group launched Sustainable Office to meet the company’s ESG goals. We presented “Sunshine Movement”, which are series of reports that centered on sustainability. Internally, we also promote sustainability in every aspect of our working process.


Duncan Wang
George K. Shuang
Managing Director, United Daily News
Sue S.C. Huang
Chief Executive Officer
Sunny You
President, United Daily News
Alvin Liu
President, Economic Daily News
Apollo Sun
Chief Operation Officer


To Make Taiwan a Better Place


Integrity, Justice, Quality, Innovation


United Daily News founded
Economic Daily News founded
World Journal in North America founded
Started operating World Journal in Thailand
udn.com was launched, and it is now among the top 100 news sites in the world.
UDN Data was launched, and it is now the world’s largest Chinese-language news database.
UDN published the Digital Transformation Report, moving toward digital convergence.
UDN launched digital subscriptions